Ayahuasca Community Fellowship

Ayahuasca Ceremony, Cancún, México

Aya de La Vid, Spirit of The Vine. Ayhuasca Community FellowshipSpirit of The Vine


Sacred Ceremony 
Amazonian Basin Elders
Ancestral Traditions

Ayahuasca Brewing The Amazon Tena Ecuador by Aya de La Vid

Ayahuasca Community Fellowship, 

Cancún, México

Isla Muejeres

 La Riviera Maya,

Contact for Ceremony

Ayahuasca Community Fellowship Cancun Group Image

Temazcal Ceremony

 Mayan Temazcal Preparation Ahooo Cancun Mexico Aya de La Vid

Kambo Frog Ceremony

What is Kambo?

Join the ACF Community

We invite you to deepen your understanding by joining the Ayahuasca Community Fellowship. Connect with a supportive community guided by experienced facilitators who bridge traditional wisdom and modern integration.

ACF Membership,

Ayahuasca Fellowship Community.

Prepare for Ayahuasca Ceremony

Our Spiritual Intention

Healing People To Heal The Planet by Aya de La Vid, Spirit of The Vine

Ayahuasca Ceremony

Integration Circle

Personal Energetic Cleansing

Ayahuasca Retreat Lago Atitlan Guatemala by Aya de La Vid
Purge Shadow. 

Restore Spirit. 

Ayahuasca Community Fellowship-Witness The Experience 
Global Wellness, Right of Passage

Join In Ceremony

Ayahuasca Community Fellowship Logo


Healing People to Heal The Planet Aya de La Vid Ayahuasca Retreats
