Ayahuasca Community Fellowship

Ayahuasca Ceremony California

Spirit of The Vine.

Aya de La Vid, Spirit of The Vine. Ayhuasca Community Fellowship

Ayahuasca or Yagé
Sacred Ceremony 
Amazonian Basin Elders

Ancestral Traditions

Ayahuasca Brewing The Amazon Tena Ecuador by Aya de La Vid

"World's Best Ayahuasca Retreats in 2024,"-retreat.guru

  California, USA.


2 Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Pescadero, California


Leandro and Isabelle Yawanawa Ceremony Ayahuasca Community Fellowship 

Leandro Valente and wife, Isabelle Santos


Aldeia da Vida 

2025 Calendar


  April 25 - 27 Book Now

   Aug. 1 - 3 Book Now

"Practices with Entheogenic Plants have long existed and have been considered sacred to human cultures and human interrelationships with nature for thousands of years, and continue to be improved to this day by religious and spiritual leaders, practicing professionals, mentors, and healers throughout the world."

Santa Cruz, CA 2020 - Resolution No. NS-29,623

"Ayahuasca...can lead to experiences that are reported as mystical or experientially similar to near death experiences and that are can be demonstrably beneficial in treating addiction, depression, PTSD, and in catalyzing profound experiences of personal and spiritual growth."

Oakland, CA 2020 - Resolution Supporting Entheogenic Plant Practices

"The City of Arcata acknowledges the use of entheogenic plants... for health and spiritual well-being, and can benefit from knowledgeable support such as elders, mentors, facilitators and community familiar with entheogens."

Arcata, CA 2021 - Resolution No. 212-17

Set Your Intention

How to prepare for Ayahuasca Ceremony

2 Sacred Ayahuasca Ceremonies for Personal & Community Well-being

Accompanied with Rapeh and Sananga

2 Integration Circles

Personal Energetic Cleansing

Beautiful & Comfortable Accommodations

Private, Semi-Private or Shared within Ceremonial Space


Integrate in Nature

Walking Paths

Ayahuasca Dieta Meals & Purified Drinking Water


Ayahuasca Community Fellowship Logo

Healing People to Heal The Planet Aya de La Vid Ayahuasca Retreats
