About ACF
Ayahausca Community Fellowship
"Pursuant to a "free and responsible search for truth and meaning,"...
"1.3 — Specific Non-Profit Purpose
Ayahuasca Community Fellowship is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-denominational, church, or fellowship.
Our purpose is to provide a common forum for recognised multi-tribal Amazonian Master Plant traditions with the primary purposes of Ayahuasca Ceremonial service, as spiritual practice. A wellness life path to share in community fellowship.
Community fellowship, a primary purpose for creating Integration Centers. Among people with shared values to be in ecological sustainable community and spiritual fellowship.
The objective; Healing People To Heal The Planet!
A common forum specifically inspired by “unitarian universalism,” ACF is a syncretic fellowship organization.
From the natural birth and history of Ayahuasca Ceremony; to a communion or sacrament of entheogenic ancestral brew drank by adult members attending traditional services in a global Ayahuasca Community Fellowship." -bylaws, ACF
Spirit of The Vine.
Ancestral Traditions
"World's Best Ayahuasca Retreats in 2024,"-retreat.guru
Events, Locations;
Tony Westbrook